Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jarrod still wet behind the ears!

Self portrait...

Jarrod racing for the bridge, took a while to get there as the tide was coming in fast! Not bad for a fiorst timer! Look at him, couldn't be more of a natural.

Getting out wet was half the fun wasn't it! Posted by Picasa

Wayne and JR on the water

Coast is clear mate!

Ahum, just for the Searoad Mersey that is... Wake up!

Nice to have a big SUV till you need to lift those kayaks up!

Mind you, JR can do it himself if needed! Posted by Picasa

Paddling with JR and Wayne

What a team! Couldn't tear'um apart!

Obviously in need of help....

Two tug boats to the rescue and myself... They did not need me apparently...

Wayne was happy as Larry Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 16, 2006

After we identified the skirt and the rudder we mounted the rigs... After only one false start, which ended in the mud, we got going. Going down river was just dandy, but coming back proved to be a challenge. Kimmy managed to twirl back upriver with only a few damaged oysters but successfully avoided a headon with the one boat we encountered en-route.

 Posted by Picasa

Coughing 4 Cystic Fibrosis

Make sure you also visit and read about Walter's big projects to raise awareness and funds for CF!