Monday, December 31, 2007

Nico's Hideaway

For some two wheels are not enough...

Nico's backyard... Life is different with kids!

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Sunday, December 30, 2007


Geocaching in Canberra

Needle exchange in Woden. Katherine disposing of sharps - after getting her stitches removed by David! Can buy new syringes here for $2. Mum, is oblivious to what is going on here. Should've brought my insuline and BSL needles, but I am new to that stuff...

Isaacs Ridge...
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Christmas in Melbourne

Wow, weird hey. This is a bible text describing the baby J. in his crib... This is right below the Westin Hotel, notice the Chanel shop behind it!
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Kelcey Tier

Katherine going strong... finding some new tracks.

Gotta love summer...

This reservoir is covered with canvas. Not sure why.

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No skating here

Here it is from the air. The road with the green arrow leads to it:

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Don Tracks

K and I walk together behind our house regularly. I even stop at some of the exercise stations to do some chin-ups and push-ups for the competition with Harry and Dr.Reid from the CF clinic details of which are still sketchy.

Occasionally I even go out for a run. Not riding the bicycle much lately... Even the kayaks haven't gotten wet lately. I took them from under the house, strapped them to the Pintara ready to go, but then I sold the car, took of the kaykls and the roof-racks... Kayaks stood at the ready in the backyard for over a week, and last night I hung them up under the house again.
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Paul and Margaret visiting

Paul and Margaret Brigg visiting me in Devonport. Was such a nice day we went out to Cradle Mountain! And at the end of the day tested out our new picnic table (and fired up the BBQ first time for this season).

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Photos of The Walls of Jerusalem

Here is a little slideshow:

The weather was fantastic as per usual. No rain, nice temperatures,... The red waratah flowers were out and so were lots of other flowers. Summer just began for us, but you can always get snow in these mountains. The hike starts at the Fish River carpark at about 680m,. and climbs to over 1250m. After the first big climb you get to Trappers Hut, a good spot for a lunch break - even though for us it was a late afternoon snack!

We walked past the Solomon's Jewels (little lakes) and arrived around 6pm at the Wild Dog Creek Campsite under King David's Peak where there are tent platforms, water and a toilet. It was a mad rush to re-hydrate my dehydrated home made curry. We ate it at about 8pm still a little crunchy.

Left the tents at a civilised time the next morning and wondered through Herod's Gate into the actual Walls for the day. Nice and easy walking, very scenic. Walked through large stands of Pencil Pines and through the Damascus Gate descending down to Dixon's Kingdom hut for an early lunch. We made an attempt at Solomon’s Throne, but turned back when it got too hairy. Early return to camp, and had plenty of time to rehydrate the spag Bog and eat more of Hans's home made sourdough bread.

The sky was awesome at night, I only had the luxury of seeing it once during a midnight pee. Next morning we waited for the condensation to evaporate of the tents before we headed back to the cars. Who would want to go to the Gold Coast or Benidorm? Not me!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Walls of Jerusalem Revisited

Hans and I went for a hike in the Walls of Jerusalem NAtional Park, watch this space....

Coughing 4 Cystic Fibrosis

Make sure you also visit and read about Walter's big projects to raise awareness and funds for CF!