Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Cameo appearance!

K. took this photo of me yesterday... For some reason I rarely put photos of myself on these blogs, so enjoy!
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Port Sorell

Click on the pics for full view!

Rather warm today! I would guess it was in the thirties! So to complement my morning 'run' (a lot of walking) when it was still relatively cool, K and I decided to take the kayaks to Port Sorell.

It was like a tropical paradise today. The water was clear, the sky blue, and penguin island deserted except for the Shy Albatrosses, seagulls, pied oyster eaters and more birds...
No sea turtles here, but today we almost expected to see some!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Motorbike Adventures?

Maybe in a few years time... But I had an excellent ride on this Bandit 1200s, Oh What a Feeling! Susuki! This picture taken at Tammy's house in Ulverstone, not our own driveway :(. And yes, this bike is for sale in case there are any generous souls out there...
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Friday, January 16, 2009

Mother Cummings Peak

It was really just a trip to Bunnings in Launceston when we decided to walk up Mother Cummings Peak. It was only 40 kilometers (each way) out of our way and we always wanted to do it.

It was a very pretty drive out there till you hit the logging coupes. But hey, if we don't log/rape our forests then some other country will do it - and chances are they do not have Bob Brown to control their damage to the environment. As long as I use paper and timber I guess I better not complain too loud - even though this is happening in my own backyard :(

The walk up is pretty steep, but not too hard. Plenty of rocks to clamber over. We only went to the cool rocky outcrop, located a geocache , ate left-over pizza from last night and raced down again. Bunnings here we come.

Plenty of flowers were out for us. Summer here is great. Today was actually a tad too warm.

The rest of the photos are <here>.
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Friday, January 09, 2009

Tassie Trail Jan09

We had a great turnout for the inaugural (actually it is 'on demand') Tassie Trail from Sheffield to Latrobe. It was a splendid day and we had great company. Although it is 90% downhill, the few hills in the middle sure tested our stamina again.
Nurse Jan's pictures are <here>. My full-screen slideshow is <here>.

Jan's picture of my bike after going through a bit of mud...
Walter loves the mud
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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Cradle Mountain without Dave

That's right, without Dave. Dave broke his leg at work, and the rest of us just went... It was a glorious day at Cradle. Despite the masses of tourists walking around Dove Lake we had a blast going up Hansons Peak and onto the Face Track, dowin into Lake Wilks.

Ian, Rebecca, Walter and Jan all took loads of photos so we could remind Dave of how perfect the day was. .. Truthfully, we all thought of him a lot and wished he was with us instead of in hospital! Here are the slides, or click <here> for the official slideshow.

Coughing 4 Cystic Fibrosis

Make sure you also visit and read about Walter's big projects to raise awareness and funds for CF!