Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nothofagus Gunii

I took Robert from NZ to Dove Lake last week. Perfect timing as the last week of April is the time that the Beech tree changes their leaves! Nothofagus Gunnii is a deciduous shrub native only to Tasmania, and is Australia's only deciduous tree!

Here is  a view of the Pencil Pines, King Billy Pines and the Nothofagus Gunii in AUTUMN colours.

And below my favourite bird the Tasmanian Black Currawong...

Robert admiring Dove Lake and Cradle Mountain....

Another great day, love this place!
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Bakers Beach

Bakers Beach is only 15 minutes from Devonport, and is such a lovely spot. I walked up Archers Knob in (Narawntapu National Park) with my Hash House Harrier friends on the easter weekend.

Through the ti-trees...

Grasses are awesome... as are the fungus and the wildlife!

Views always good...

And walk home along the beach, the only semi-recognised nude beach in Tasmania!

Can't wait to go again some time soon. See the Forester kangaroos and the wombats...
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Sunday, April 01, 2012

Badgers Range - Kimberley's Lookout

Ree and Mouse went with me today up to Kimberley lookout. Followed by a quick ale in the Sheffield pub before returning to Devonport. Lovely afternoon once again.

The first part of this walk is a bit steep but then it levels out it. An easy going walk with medium gradients. Excellent views of Sheffield, Mount Roland. A good 90 minute return walk just out of the Sheffield township.

Here is the new postcard doing the rounds shortly.

PS. Be careful when requesting specialty nude cooking, becareful not to tempt me with modeling nude for life drawing nor tempt me to walk nude on the beach!
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Coughing 4 Cystic Fibrosis

Make sure you also visit and read about Walter's big projects to raise awareness and funds for CF!